Bernhard Ka
Women preferred
To know easily
Tips for shy men
A woman is like a flower,
only by your attention
will it blossom.
How many times have you been standing in front of a woman you like and can not get a word out? Not anymore! After reading this book, you will be a man who can conquer every woman. How that works, I'll tell you on the next pages. So let's go, enjoy reading.
Every beginning is difficult
You've probably heard that phrase many times in your life. Maybe you have often started something and not finished it - and why did not you finish it? Because you were not successful. Why was it that you did not achieve your goal?
What went wrong? I'm asking you this so you'll think about how to do it better and I'll help you with that. You are not born of failure, only you have been given proper guidance on how to successfully conquer a woman. They are shy? But you are not the only one. There is no weakness to be shy. It just shows that you are sensitive. Shyness is a form of fear, because those who are sensitive are afraid of injury. The level of sensitivity is higher or lower in every person. The higher the degree, the finer man is in his feelings. The lower the degree, the more dull the feelings. These people are widely described as insensitive, but they certainly do not belong to you.
Shyness arises from a lack of self-confidence. You have the complex to be less valuable than your fellow human beings, what you yourself have been persuaded or suggested to you, by your father, mother, or who else.
I'll write it all down for you to look into a mirror and recognize yourself, because only when you know yourself will you be able to change.
That you want to change shows already alone that you have bought this book.
Life is like a theater. Everyone is more or less an actor and everyone has their role to play.
A good actor shows that he is learning his role well, that he internalizes it, that he becomes the person he plays, and that is the only way to really remove his role. By that I mean that you have to test a certain behavior in order to master it well. How do you want to approach a woman with her shyness, if you have not rehearsed it before?
How do you want to drive a car if you have not practiced it before? A bird must also learn to fly. We humans are not like most animals that can walk a few minutes after their birth. We have to teach it with difficulty. The same is true if you want to address a woman. You have no practice in how to address a woman and that makes you totally insecure. So you have to learn it! Only when you get prepared for this situation will you become safer.
I'll give you the first tip here: Look in the mirror every morning and every night.
Take a look and say aloud: "I'm not scared anymore, I'm beautiful and I love myself."
In the course of the book you will have to look even more often in the mirror. So put the book aside and start with the first exercise.